Edition 16: Generation Leave
Baby boomers had the Cold War, Gen X had recession, and Gen Y had the information and technology boom. From rising housing prices, to rising levels of inequality, to the “great resignation”, and leaving traditional mediums of discourse, what is in store for the youth of today? Presented with all new challenges, how are the youth of today thinking differently about things? What does the world look like for this new ‘generation leave’?
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The Great Resignation, Reshuffle or Regret?
When my mother finally found a worker she was ecstatic... When did we fall into a world where employees had the upper hand? As businesses scramble to avoid the COVID-19 hybrid workspace, employees are somehow dropping like flies. When Elon musk demanded more face-to-face, why is it that the same people demanding for lock-down exoneration refuse to go back to in-person work?
Jade Nie | People & Culture Officer 2022
What’s causing the discord between the voices of our generations and the next?
Why does the young generation seem to characterise boomers as ethically ambiguous? What are the causes of juxtaposable perspectives from different age brackets? The answer isn’t simple, with differences arising from factors like access to new technology, financial pressures, exposure to varied socio-economic climates during childhood, and faults in the democratic process. Hope remains for both generations to learn from past experiecences; it is the differences between the generations that allows new insights and social innovations to grow.
Dorothy Hou & Rio Otake | National Affairs Officers 2022
Buy now, see you later
From a new pair of shoes to your child’s school fees, almost anything and everything can be bought with a buy now pay later service. But with all the negative attention new and emerging fin-techs are receiving, is their any room for them to have social impact? But with a financial illiteracy epidemic plaguing the nation, and a lack of Government support and regulation, has it now become buy now, see you later for Generation Z?
Yena Yoon & Lucy Rachman Vascotto | Project Consultants 2022