Edition 18: What universe are you from?
How is the way we interact with each other changing? From the metaverse, to LinkedIn posts and social anxiety, how can we restore social connection? From your zoom background to your cultural background, does our hybrid world perpetuate or solve inequality? While we all rejoice about a hybrid world, is it all that it lives up to be, and what universe do you ultimately want to live in?
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Media’s Trending Chokehold on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Today more so than ever, our society preaches diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Although the hurricane of social media has propelled DEI reception, its importance is being swept away in the backward culture of trends, and the empty excession and exploitation which follows. So, can we achieve more DEI action, without it being too much?
Vea Gunawan | President 2023
Humanity’s Innate Desire to Connect:
A Critique of the Metaverse
Does the Metaverse fulfil humanity’s desire to connect? Or is this an over-the-top scheme for what is essentially escapism? Explore with Fey the fascinating world of the Metaverse and its implications on our social connections.
Fey Shue | Project Consultant 2023
The truth behind your late night Uber Eats
The gig economy is often described as something which empowers workers by offering them choice & flexibility, and an alternative to the traditional 9-5 structure of work. But what about those who participate out of necessity - because they can’t find work elsewhere or because they need the extra income? What is the true cost of your late night Uber Eats?
Emilia Weeden | People & Culture Officer 2023