Edition 2

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If you have a particular interest in one or more of the below topics, be sure to check out the Additional Resources section further down the page.

Select one of the images below to start reading!


The importance of internationalism

The Cambridge Dictionary defines internationalism as the belief that countries can achieve more advantages by working together and trying to understand each other than by arguing and fighting wars with each other.

Over the past several decades, we’ve seen some shining examples of organisations (e.g. the United Nations) dedicated to this cause. Are such international mechanisms really necessary?

Ben Griffiths | National Affairs Director

The Peruvian water crisis: MMI x YAQUA

Latin America is facing a water crisis. Almost one-tenth of the Peruvian population lacks access to safe water, and Lima, the capital city of Peru, is expected to run out of water by 2025.

This article tracks the journey of one of our very own Initiatives teams who have been tasked with designing a viable solution that YAQUA can implement to tackle this issue. YAQUA is a social enterprise that commercialises the precious liquid to fund water sanitation projects in Peru.

Diya John | Initiatives Consultant

Case studies: AI in developing countries

How much does the government in a nation like Saudi Arabia invest in artificial intelligence development compared to major players like the U.S.?

Continuing on from our discussion in the 1st edition, this piece explores some specific examples of AI policy in developing countries around the globe.

Alden Vong | Communications Officer

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  • Hans Rosling

    Hans Rosling was a physician, academic, and public health advocate; serving as a health advisor to WHO and UNICEF. Famous for his well received Ted Talks, he became inspired by his work as a physician in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities to become a public health advocate and inform people of the ongoing effort to combat poverty and suffering.

    Along with his son Ola and daughter-in-law Anna, he wrote a book titled “Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think”. The aim of which was to equip the public with the necessary skills and awareness to develop an accurate assessment of the state of the world, by correcting for common misconceptions and statistical errors that people make.

    Hans Rosling was also the co-founder of the Gapminder Foundation, a non-profit that – among other things – has created a compelling and easy to use data visualisation toolkit based on human development data from WHO, the UN, public agencies, and other NGO’s. The toolkit can be found on the Gapminder website.

  • The official website for the U.S’ policies on artificial intelligence

    It’s interesting to use the national strategies of AI powerhouses as a benchmark to that of developing countries. Making this comparison shows us just how rapidly the industry is growing, which highlights that action from less developed countries is necessary to avoid falling behind.

  • How New Technologies Could Transform Africa’s Health Care System

    A detailed insight into how CareAI, an artificial intelligence project by the European Commission, is employing the technology to improve the delivery of healthcare services with respect to anonymity and accessibility. The author also elaborates on the potential for disruption in the African healthcare sector.


  • Adaptation to Climate Change: What Do the Data Say?

    Solomon Hsiang is the director of the Global Policy Laboratory at Berkeley. Here he gives an engaging talk about the data regarding adaptation for climate change and the appropriate policy response. Make sure to listen until the end for some interesting questions/challenges regarding the presentation as well.

  • Michael Porter: Why business can be good at solving social problems

    Michael Porter is the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at Harvard Business School, known for his theories surrounding business strategy and the potential for business and social impact to coexist. If you’d like to learn more about shared value, the 2018 Impact Review features articles from our sponsors, student club partners, and non-profits around the theme of “shared value”.


Edition 3


Edition 1