Edition 12: Global Health & Inequalities

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For this edition, we continue to explore issues in global health and inequality, with many of our writers covering relevant content up for discussion. Around the world from India, the United States and Australia, health and equity system-based challenges continue to arise and persist. We continue to question healthcare systems, particularly in building awareness of mental health services and how it fails many, we explore the tragedy and loss of racial hate crimes and we voice our concerns on what needs to be considered for a fairer world. We hope you enjoy and ponder upon similar thoughts we have had.


The sanitation economy: a path to cleaning a sh*t sanitation system

A country that had seemingly restricted the spread of this rampant virus now finds itself completely overwhelmed. As each day progresses, coronavirus cases are soaring, there is a significant shortage of oxygen tanks and mortality rates are devastatingly on the rise. How did India reach this dire situation?

Anita Jiang | President

Rishi Madiraju | Sponsorships & Partnerships Officer

The challenges of being Asian in a Western world

With the upsurge in both reported and anecdotal accounts of hate crimes and xenophobia against Asian communities over the past year - the spotlight has turned onto the discourse surrounding challenges in Asian perspectives. This begs two big questions: What are the cultural and social barriers preventing Asians from speaking up about their struggles, and what can we do about them?

Ying Ying Guo | National Affairs Officer

Olivia Yin | National Affairs Officer

The Loneliness Epidemic in Our Time

The chicken or the egg? Is mental health or loneliness the problem? Loneliness is incredibly detrimental to our health and broader society yet our mental health systems are currently placed in questioned by the public. Is dealing with loneliness epidemic up to society to address or one where our mental health services need to ‘re-think’ for?

Samuel Roussos | Sponsorships & Partnerships Officer


Edition 13: On Financial Systems


Edition 11: Global Health & Inequalities