Edition 13: On Financial Systems


Welcome to the 13th Edition of the Impact Update! This edition’s theme is based on Financial Systems.

Financial Systems are systems that facilitate monetary exchange, they are what govern our financial services and include instruments for everyday finance to large scale investments. All systems play a very important role in managing and developing economies in both ‘developed’ and ‘emerging’ economies. For this edition, our team looked closely at evaluating the effectiveness of ESG frameworks for investments to uncovering monetary policy differences in China and the shortcomings of emerging financial services such as Buy Now Pay Later. We hope you enjoy reading this edition’s articles, learn something new from our research and help us question: ‘Are our financial systems working to support our endeavours for economic equality, social change and environmental management?’

ESG Investing: More than what meets the eye

ESG. Futureproofing. CSR. Triple bottom line. The world of finance is full of jargon and buzzwords that industry professionals love throwing around. But what do these concepts actually mean?

Angus Kennedy | Vice President of Student Engagement 2021

Learnings from China’s Macroeconomic Policy Management

China’s monetary policy is one shrouded in mystery and starkly contrasts that of which we are used to seeing in Western advanced economies. However, despite their unconventional ways, China has seen significant economic growth over the last 30 years and here, we delve into the inner workings of their system and how it can potentially be applied to help boost other economies.

Oscar To | GMCC Director 2021

Buy Now Pay Later?…more like, Buy Now Grieve Later!

‘Buy now, pay later’ has quickly become one of the fastest growing sectors in both the e-commerce and credit industries. In light of the consumer shift towards BNPL services, we explore its allure and hidden problems, as well as potential solutions to ensure greater responsible access to BNPL services in the future.

Nimaashawn Nimalachandran | National Affairs Officer 2021


Edition 14: Global Development


Edition 12: Global Health & Inequalities